Quarterly Wrap Up

I’m posting most of my updates now over on Substack, but every few months I intend to refresh the blog with a brief recap of my Substack posts with links provided. Feel free to sign up for the Substack newsletter, or, if you prefer receiving your updates via the website, you can always check-in here as well.

The writing is going well. I’ve entered Many Savage Moons in SPFBO and the Writer’s Digest contest. Reviews are coming in for Many Savage Moons at a fairly steady pace on both Goodreads and Amazon. I’m working steadily on one of a handful of fantasy writing projects. Time will tell when new work sees the light of day.

Over on Substack, I posted Dreaming in Ink, which details how my experience receiving my writing tattoo influenced Many Savage Moons. The post also extolls the many talents on one Hayley Moran, the owner and tattoo artist extraordinaire of Haylo Healing Arts Lounge.

Back in 2015, while visiting Colorado, I became fascinated with an equine statue that sits in a median outside Denver International Airport. Read my Substack post entitled Blucifer to learn more about the statue’s origin and how its story influenced the writing of Many Savage Moons.

What are the top five reasons why you should read Many Savage Moons? Check out this post with a video of yours truly embedded.

Alright, that’s it! See you down the road.

New Book – Many Savage Moons

First things first. I’ve written a novel entitled Many Savage Moons. It’s available now on Amazon in paperback. You can also read it on Amazon Kindle.

Curious what the book is about? Here you go:

In the space of an autumn afternoon, Nathaniel falls hard for Winter York, the beguiling, tattooed woman he meets at the local bookstore. The fact that she is avoiding another man only increases his interest. The perfect day ends on Winter’s couch, where a newly tattooed Nathaniel is entranced by Winter’s enigmatic sophistication. But then the man Winter is avoiding invades her home. When Nathaniel fights him off, he is sure the worst is over. Winter, however, insists that the man is capable of a strange and dark magic: once he touches someone, he can write them into dreams, dreams where that person can die. How does Winter know? She is the inspiration for the man’s fantasy book series, and she has seen her friends perish at the stroke of his pen.

Many Savage Moons is an unconventional love story full of literary references and haunting tattoos, set in a world where a writer wields fantastical powers over those who inspire his work. Straddling the literary and fantasy realms, Many Savage Moons is a genre-bending work.

As for the cover:

In one last bit of news, I’ve started a Substack newsletter: Ben Spencer Writes. I will continue to update the website, but I’ll writing a little more regularly over on Substack. If you’re interested, I hope you’ll consider subscribing.

Thanks everyone!

The Octopus in All of Us

On my writing desk, I keep an octopus pin that my wife gave me as a gift a few years back. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it my sigil, ala George R.R. Martin and his famous turtle pin, but I do love what the octopus calls to mind when I try to tap into the deep, dark places of my subconscious where my best fiction resides.

               Octopuses—that’s right, not octopi!—are fascinating for a great many reasons, but to me what makes them especially compelling are the contrasts that define their character. They are intelligent creatures who live solitary lives; they are playful problem-solvers who relish the opportunity to retreat to their dens for hours on end; they are life-loving introverts with the capacity to both play and kill. Furthermore, they embody both the beauty and horror of existence in their colorful, amorphous, shape-shifting forms, and can appear, depending on the framing, to represent life’s awe-inspiring pageant or the unsettling dread at the heart of our existential plight.

               Years ago, I was struck by a dreamlike image that informed a short story I tried—and ultimately failed—to write. The image was of a giant octopus that had risen from the ocean floor to take into its tentacles a cruise ship that had blotted out the sun. In the octopus’s mind, this wasn’t an evil act. The octopus was merely sating its curiosity: a curiosity that grew evermore piqued when small, two-legged creatures began spilling from the vessel. But eventually, the octopus’s curiosity turned to shame. When that occurred, the octopus drug the ship to the ocean floor, to hide its sin from the sun.

               Last year, sometime after abandoning the aforementioned short story, my wife and I watched My Octopus Teacher together on Netflix. For the unassociated, the movie documents the bond a South African diver/filmmaker forges with a common octopus living in a kelp forest. Theirs is a bond predicated first and foremost on curiosity: both the filmmaker’s for this intelligent, alien-like creature of the deep, and the octopus’ for the strange being that returns day after day with an underwater camera. Part of the tension that drives the film’s narrative is the viewer’s understanding of the risks and rewards inherent to crossing the interspecies divide. Both are grasping at the others’ true nature, and, in doing so, both are risking the unintended consequences that their curiosity might bring.

               Curiosity isn’t the only factor that compels me to write, but it’s certainly one of the primary ones. I try, at least in some part, to evoke a sense of childlike joy in my writerly attempts. What’s interesting about curiousness, is that it is, by its very nature, a stumbling sort of process, a de facto admission that one isn’t fully knowledgeable about the subject one is curious about. But as one obtains knowledge, the potential for evil grows, be it in the intentional application of knowledge for one’s personal benefit at the expense of others; or in the application of imperfect knowledge for the purpose of benefitting others, leading to unforeseen and unintended consequences. While I’m often horrified by the malicious nature of those who use their knowledge to harm others, I’m no less disturbed by those who believe their knowledge is perfect, and, guided by that certainty, wreak all sorts of well-meaning havoc on the world.

               I love writing that is aware of—and alive with—this tension, writing that captures the moral ambiguity inherent to being a living, breathing being on this planet, beings driven by imperfect intellects. I’ve tried to bring that tension to life in my own work. Right now, I’m sitting on quite a few completed projects that are trying to find their way into the world. My hope is that when readers get a chance to spend time in my books, they will experience the same feelings that I do when I think of the octopus: a sense of wonder, a sense of fear, and the sense that the two feelings are inextricably bound together.

Substack Newsletter/Why I Write

Hello all,

I have a writing newsletter over at substack, which you can find here: https://benspencer.substack.com/. As time goes on, I intend to publish my blog posts on the website and over at substack, so there’s no need to subscribe to both. But my substack feed was looking a little lonely, so I decided to write something for anyone who happened by. There’s a link to my first post down below if you’re interested.

In other news, I’m nearly finished with the epic fantasy novel that I’ve been working on for years. I’m 95% confident that it will be done by Christmas. That has little bearing on when it will actually appear in the real world, but, once it’s finished, I do plan to put the wheels in motion to carve out a space in either the traditional or self-publishing realms, come what may. I have a ton of finished work in the bag, and I’m eager to share it.




Still Writing, Still Dreaming

I’ve had one real driving ambition my entire adult life.

To be a writer.

In many respects, I fulfilled that goal long ago. For twenty-plus years I’ve written nearly every day. I’ve penned four novels and three novellas. I’ve been published in multiple online literary journals. I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. But most importantly, I’ve found an outlet for my creative passions, a place that I can return to again and again to experience the freedom of engaging with this mad kaleidoscope that we call life on my own terms. Writing has rewarded me in ways that I would have never anticipated. And because of that, I’ve committed myself to the writing life, come what may.

But, like the ever-grasping human that I am, I’ve wanted more.

Last summer, I finished a genre-busting literary/fantasy novel. As I’ve done a handful of times before, I submitted the novel to literary agents, hoping to secure representation. This time, there was real interest. By September I had secured representation, and for the first time in my writing life, the possibility of breaking through in the publishing industry seemed like a genuine possibility.

In the months that followed, my agent secured reads from some of my favorite editors in the industry. I tried to keep my dreams in check, but every time I visited the bookstore it was difficult not to check-in on books written by authors that my agent represented. Flipping to the acknowledgement section of these books, it was easy to imagine that perhaps in a year or two I would be standing in the same spot, flipping through my book, reading my own words of thanks to my agent and the editor who ultimately took me on.

But it was not to be.

A couple of days ago I received my final pass on the book. It was from an editor that I really respect, one who had worked on some of my favorite fantasy books published this past year. My agent passed on the news with characteristic straightforwardness, a trait that I appreciate. Then my agent told me that he’d be happy to read my next novel, when it’s finished.

And that was that.

What comes next? Although I’m tempted to self-publish the aforementioned novel, I’m going to hold off for now. I’ve been working on an epic fantasy novel for quite some time, and I don’t like the idea of promoting a self-published book while simultaneously pitching my epic fantasy series. I really want to give traditional publishing one last shot before committing myself to the self-publishing life. Because if I do commit myself to that route, I’m going to give it my all.

As for the epic fantasy series, the first book is nearly finished. After I wrap it up, I’m going to write a little of book two before I submit book one. The series should wrap up as a trilogy. Hopefully sometime within the coming year I’ll have a better idea of which road my writing life is destined to take.

Thanks, as always, to everyone who has supported my writing over the years. I’ve written so much these past five or six years, works that I’m incredibly eager to share with the world. I consider myself a very patient person, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t frustrated that I haven’t been able to share more of what I’ve finished. But sooner or later, that day is coming.

And when it does, I intend to hit the ground running.